AG Web Services - About the company
AG Web Services, website designer Andrea Goodman
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About AG Web Services

Design Philosophy

Less is more

I believe that the design and layout of a website should be attractive yet simple and unobtrusive. The design should never detract or distract from the content of your website. Particularly in the last five years I've found many website designers have lost sight of the importance of content over presentation. If they designed the 'yellow pages' on the same philosophy, you would need a crane to haul your copy around.

Project Philosophy

Quality over quanitity

I take on very few new projects or clients these days. I'm fortunate to have clients whose websites I've been managing for 25 years now, and I've managed several through the natural life of the business they were built to support. So while I don't take on a lot of clients or projects when I do you can be confident have my full support, your project gets my complete attention, and I am fully committed to ongoing support of your website. I generally take on about one new website each year.

Search Engine Philosophy

Research is the key

The internet in general and search engines in particular offer an entirely unique marketing tool - in no other media is it possible to research your market so thoroughly. Yet this is exactly the step that most search engine marketing programs neglect. The available tools to research your search engine market have changed over the years, but it's still a vital step in your search engine optimization process to research what people are searching for, how much competition there is for any particular search term, how it does in your local market, and more.

Search Success Engineered

Search Engine Consulting Services

by Andrea Goodman

Visit Search Success Engineered for more information on promoting your website through search engines
Please visit my new Search Success Engineered website for more information on making your site successful with search engines!

Andrea's Articles

Topics of interest to website owners and clients, information about design for the internet as well as hot topics like hackers and traffic statistics. Read more ARTICLES.

Additional Services

Need help identifying a specific font, or selecting a character set? Want to know more about colour choices for the web, or watermarking images? Are you struggling to interpret your website traffic stats? Has your site been hacked? Need advice on a domain name? Consulting services, by the hour, on nearly any subject relating to the internet.

If you have any questions about AG Web Services please email:

More ways to connect: Contact Form - Email - LinkedIn

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Please note: AG Web Services is NOT affiliated with the Assemblies of God nor with the agricultural industry.

AG Web Services: Main Page | Design | Promotion | Portfolio | About | Hosting | Articles | Contact | E-mail

This website is designed, hosted, maintained and owned by Andrea Goodman: AG Web Services ~ ©

The AG Web Services website promotes the website building and development services of website designer Andrea Goodman -
The Search Success Engineered website promotes the search engine consulting services provided by Andrea Goodman -